§ 1: Name, seat and field of activity
1) The association bears the name "Vita Activa - Academy of Applied Unemployment". International Society for Applied Unemployment Research and Scientific Education ”.
2) It has its seat in A-8362 Söchau, Söchau 92 and extends its activity to all of Austria.
3) The establishment of branch associations is not intended.
§ 1a: Principles
The association is politically independent, non-denominational and critical of ideology and rule. The association is committed to the basic values of nonviolence, solidarity, emancipatory democracy and human rights.
§ 2: Zweck
Scope of activity:
The association, whose activity is not aimed at profit, directs its attention
Conducting scientific research with emancipatory goals;
Promotion of emancipatory science;
Dissemination of scientific knowledge;
Promotion of local, national and international scientific understanding and cooperation;
§ 3: Means to achieve the purpose of the association
1) The purpose of the association should be achieved by the following non-material and material means.
2) Serve as ideal means
- Creation of information pamphlets and publication of media
- Organization of scientific events.
- Conducting scientific studies as well as research and educational projects.
- Technical and material support for scientific work (university theses etc.) in accordance with the purpose of the association.
- Establishment of a scientific library and an archive for the unemployment movement.
- Establishment and promotion of educational and research institutions as well as other institutions serving the purpose of the association;
- Promotion of contacts and projects in the national and international area;
3) The necessary material resources should be raised by
- Entry fees and membership fees
- Income from events or from the company's own activities,
- Donations, subsidies, collections, bequests and other contributions.