Data protection officer:
Mag. Ing.Martin Mair
news [at]
The operator of this website is the association "Vita Activa - Academy of Applied Unemployment"
We will never share your data. Apart from the addtoany plug-in (sharing website contributions on social media services), no third-party services are used on this website!
In addition to the data used in the registration form, for their own security, registered users also save the logins' data in their own account (can be viewed in the "Registration history" tab on their own profile page) as well as through their own activities on the homepage (creation of contributions, can be viewed in "Activity" tab).
Tracking by cookies does not take place. Any cookies are set by the CMS to improve the presentation / performance and are not further evaluated.
Nothing is saved from newsletter recipients apart from the email address! You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the end of the newsletter. The legal basis of the newsletter is Article 10 ECHR (right to free information transfer). E-mail addresses come from self-entry or from public sources (Internet).
According to the EU GDPR, you have the right to information about stored data, correction of incorrect data and deletion of your personal data.
Further information about the EU GDPR can be found e.g. on the homepage of the Chamber of Labor [German], ARGE DATEN or the European Union.
Weitere Informationen über die EU DSGVO finden Sie z.B. auf der Homepage der Arbeiterkammer[German], der oder der Europäischen Union.